
Saturday 8 October 2016


I have been holding off on this post for a while, because I intended to play at the Derby World Team Championships..  (Wargames seems to be like wrestling, there's IWF, WWF, XWF, and WTF.. ok, the last one was made up..)

Anyway, Jeff Caruso announced some time ago on Fanaticus that he was stopping casting his figures, and having seen pictures, I contacted him, and asked what he had left.. almost enough to make a DBMM 400 point army, (assuming I took a Brilliant General and some 'stratagems') - I was still four figures short, and Greg found some in the pile and very kindly posted them to me. So with a month to go, figures available..   it's painting time!

The whole army...  one of the smallest I have ever used

Mongol Light Horse

More Light Horse, Pack Camels in the background

And yet more..

Light Horse and the Khitan Liao Sub-General with his escort cavalry