
Monday 15 August 2022

New printer

I managed to just about kill the old Photon S printer, so decided to bite the bullet and get a new one...
The build volume is about 5 times that of the Photon S with quality very similar. It does open up new possibilities like buildings...

Perry figure for scale...   and of course, very easy to print off loads of teeny tiny tanks.

For some reason, unlike the green translucent stuff, this one came with a free 1 litre bottle of the basic grey. I think I prefer this  it seems a little more elastic than the green. 

So now I am on the hunt for more free building files...  and I need to buy more resin!


  1. great upgrade - ooh buildings :)

  2. I know, been doing some downloading tonight. I have managed to use the entire litre bottle of resin in about 5 days though... bigger build plate = printing more... must order some more. :)

  3. Has the resin mountain grown bigger than the lead one? You are certainly getting value out of it!

    1. The resin mountain is certainly starting to rival the lead mountain in size. The real trap is that you come across some files and think, wow, that looks cool, and before you know it, another project is underway.. and yes, it saves a fortune, assuming I would have started those projects anyway, but the truth is, I would not be buying my 6th 10-12mm WW2 army for O Group/Iron Cross at £200 a time, if I wasn't able to print it for say £12.

  4. Very nice Doug,
    All we need is colour 3d printing to advance more. Then you can print and play.


    1. But where would the fun be in that? I am not saying I enjoy painting, but I get a real sense of satisfaction when it is done.
