
Wednesday, 23 November 2011

A Wargames Tart

I have realised that I am essentially a wargames tart...  I flit from one project to the other.

I think this sunk in this week, when I bid on another Johnny Lightning M1A1 Desert Storm Abrams for my AK47/Ambush Alley/FoF force, received notification that my eBay Langton's bid had been accepted and was leading, was asked how the DBMM Ayyubid Army painting was going, agreed to buy some 1/1000 Houston's Ironclads/Pre-Dreadnoughts, and a package arrived containing the LBMS 28 mm Viking Shield Transfers and a package from Foundry with their Street Violence Thugs special offer pack and British Colonials arrived at work. Last week was a Brigade Games Frontier Force, SAGA Rules and Essex later Renaissance Army...  

Other people have added counts to their Blogs with miniatures totals purchased vs painted - I would be much too scared. Maybe a New Year's Resolution?


  1. Doug, Corgi do an Abrams as well.

  2. Thanks - but by now I have 4 Johnny Lightning M1A1 :-) Plus a Dinky Osa Fast Attack Boat, and awaiting the arrival of a Dinky RAF Rescue Launch. I am building up enough to do AK47 or FoF. And I ordered some nice Soviet era Armour as Skytrex had a 25% off sale. I can't help myself.
