
Tuesday 15 March 2022

Back in Business - Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge

So I have been very slack about updating this blog, but my painting and 3d Printing has not abated.. the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge has kept me at my brushes.

First of all  - those AW Miniatures Indian Mutiny figures:

And who can resist an elephant towed limber? Not me.

Then there's the WW2 planes.. all 1/200 scale home 3d Printed.. 

Right, that's the Pacific sorted.. off to jolly old Blighty next... 

There is not one UK wargamer of a certain age NOT humming the theme tune now...  

And I couldn't let the DH2 be the only ones to fight the Fokker menace... 

That will do for now, but plenty more to come..   did I mention just how big a B17G was when 3d printed at 1/200?

See you next time.. 


  1. Wow! Doug! You have been VERY busy at the workbench. Fab jobs all around.

    1. thanks Jonathan. I guess what makes it easier is just how quickly you can put together enough toys to play a game..

  2. Very productive indeed and some great stuff there, fantastic to see.

    1. Thanks mate. I am also very much looking forward to your next AAR. Who knows, some Dutch might figure in a future painting schedule. I am still unhappy about the available options for the BEF.

  3. Replies
    1. Little and often Andreas. I also quite often lose myself for time, as I put on an old movie on my PC and sit there and paint away.. sometimes two movies before i realise it's 1am....

  4. Super heffalump with limber.

    Thats a lot of planes - great selection, gives you plenty of options for air wargames

    1. Thanks Tidders. I do still have a hankering to do some late war daylight raids over Europe. Painting should be easy, everyone seems to be metallic silver on the Allied side.. the planes are all printed..

  5. Hey Doug, you have been busy! And what's not to ove about an elephnat towing a limber?
