
Thursday 18 January 2018

Non-Competition Gamers please ignore

Time for a bit of a whinge here...  for many years I was heavily involved in organising and umpiring competition games in Canberra, Australia. Specifically, the DBA and latterly the DBMM competitions at Cancon in January and Wintercon in July.

Now that I am no longer in Oz, I like to keep in touch, and to try to help out, so I offer to list-check for these competitions. The lists are sent to an official list-checker address, and I go through them,  and compare them to the DBMM list books to make sure they comply. It can be a lengthy process, depending on format, the complexity of the list, regional or date variations, minimums for allies, and so on.

Anyway, for the last few years we have had fairly small competitions, so the task isn't too onerous. I can check most lists in about 10-15 minutes each. Often I will have to reproduce them on a spreadsheet to check points totals and break-points and so on.. but not so bad. 

So here's the whinge..   so far, I have checked 9 lists for Cancon, and out of those, only 4 were correct. That's a whopping error rate..   Guys. You have 1 list to check.. just 1.

If you are going to enter a competition, here's a couple of hints:

  1. Put the list number, the date and any regional variation or named general on it.. please.
  2. Check your points totals.. not once, but twice. Manually add it up if necessary.. so far it's been up to 23 points over the agreed total.
  3. Check the troop types you have included have the correct points set against them.
  4. Check the troop types you have included, actually exist in the list you have selected.
Here endeth the whinge.


  1. I've managed to cock up a 24 point HOTT list, so I can imagine that something as involved a DBMM can go horribly wrong pretty quickly if you aren't paying close attention to your arithmetic :)

  2. I would have thought if you were going to enter a competition, you would make a point of getting it right.. some seriously slapdash entries...
