
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Lead Audit part MCCXVIII

Another attempt at working on the lead mountain this afternoon - this time checking out the 1/285 WW2 stuff. Thomo has been working on his Russkis, and my 1941-42 Wehrmacht just aren't going to cut it vs all those T34s and KVs. I knew I had a load of later Germans so it was time to figure out what was there.

So I have been busy gluing schurzen on to Pz III, Stugs and so on.....  Arrghh... Why do they mould them separately?

The real issue is that GHQ and CinC make things in multiple packs, so for example I have ended up with 15 x 8 wheeled armoured cars when I really only need 3 or so. Time to try and do some swaps I think...


  1. I think CinC offers a pack of 50 MGs for gluing to tank turrets as well. So far I have resisted that pack and my superglue scarred fingers are still grateful,

  2. Various people also do fancy things with fine drills and bristles for radio aerials... I am resisting that.

    I am also getting Dean at Olympian Games to cut me a decent number of 30mm square bases for vehicles. I have decided I want the thicker bases so I am not picking them up by the vehicle. Thos schurzen will just fall off otherwise.

  3. I need to find some used 6mm sales
