
Wednesday 16 September 2020

Dead Animal Scatter

It's been a long time since the last post. Partly that's been due to inactivity on the gaming and painting front.. For a variety of reasons, that I won't bore you with. A lot of stuff has been prepped, there is more stuff, part-painted and in progress, but the only things actually finished are three dead animals. An eBay purchase, they needed a fair bit of filling and filing, but they will just add some nice scatter. 

For some reason, everyone seems to paint their dead cows as Frisians, all black and white, and yes, they look cool, but these ones might be Charolais and Guernsey..  who knows.


  1. Looking good Doug, presume works been mental. I didn’t realise you knew so much about cows 🤣

    Best M

  2. Thanks mate. Honestly, I've got like 140 Romans well in the pipeline, plus carts, markers, and so on. Just none of them quite finished.

  3. You will get there, I’ve managed to get my table back up in the garage, so now got a permanent 6*4 set up. Not massive but better than nowt 😁

    1. Right - that's it, time to roll..! before the weather makes garage playing impossible..

  4. Hmm, one of those cows looks suspiciously horse-like 😀

    I've just completed phase 1 of my move out of Manila which has given me enough space to have an area to game in. Thinking something nautical.

    1. Now all you need is an opponent... everyone is getting their gaming space organised except me.
