
Wednesday 6 May 2015

Samurai Done - DBA IV/59a

And finally added the rest of the basing, so I am calling these done.

Tufts are by Leadbear - leadbear (at) internode (dot) on (dot) net  top notch stuff, with tufts that actually stick to the base without adhesive. and don't shed a load of stuff.

I have some ideas for terrain that will continue the Japanese theme, but it could be messy...   felt, latex, plaster, stuffing, flock and bicarb...   it's either going to be great or look rubbish...   we shall see.

So here they are:
The army arrayed
I haven't done all the options, but the Peter Pig DBA 2.2 pack was reassembled in a different configuration. I reckoned I might as well paint up the additional 6Cv I put together, so that if I eventually decided to expand to a full DBMM army, it was one less element to paint.

All up the army is 1 x 6Cv General (plus a dismounted Blade General option), 1 x 6Cv, 6 x 3Bd, 1 x 3Bw, 1 x 4Bw, and 2 x 3Ax.  Not a Killer Army, and will struggle against Kn, but should be reasonably effective.

I will be taking the army to David's competition at the Austrian Club on 31 May in Canberra.

Close up on the Samurai Blades, the mounted 6Cv General is behind
The banners are not based on any particular clan, just chosen as a pleasing design and colour combination that was easy to paint.

More Blade, backed by Bow, Auxilia and the porters for a camp/baggage
I found the Peter Pig figures very nice to paint and very well detailed. Every time I look at them I notice some detail I should have painted in. That way madness lies., I would love to see some of these painted by a good painter.

1 comment:

  1. They look great. I like the paint work and the bases. Nice to see these PP figs. I love their WW2 figs, but haven't seen their Japanese painted. Now I'm tempted to start that Samurai/Nippon army!
