
Thursday 1 January 2015

A Happy New Year - here's to the future

As usual, the New Year is an opportunity to look back and see what I have achieved, and what the plans are for next year...

So here's the resolution...  "No more models or figures bought in 2015"  Ha!

Looking back on 2014, I made some good progress - not necessarily what I had planned, but still good progress. Completed:

450 AP DBMM Late Medieval army
Gauls & Spaniards for Wintercon DBMM, 240AP
Three 6mm Future War Commander armies - Pax Arcadia, Colonial and NAAS
Scots Irish DBA army
Alexandrian Macedonian DBA army
Approximately 50 WW2 1/72 vehicles
bits and pieces to finish the Sui army

All up - around 350 15mm figures, maybe a hundred 6mm vehicles/figures and the WW2 stuff.

Plans for 2015.

1. American War of Independence in 20mm plastics. Cheap as chips, ordered, and I am awaiting delivery. Rules might be 'Rank & File' or HFG.
2. Actually finish some Chain of Command forces. I have built way too many tanks, now I need to finish off the infantry forces, including EW German, LW German, British, German and US Paratroops, LW British, EW French, LW US, Italians, Japanese, Russians, etc.
3. Another DBMM army..   one of either Late Medieval Scots, Rajputs, Goths, Byzantines, New Kingdom Egyptians, Minoans or one of the other piles of lead..
4. Complete the 1/1200 French Napoleonic Fleet (Rear-Admiral Martin - 1795)
5. Finally complete the 6mm WSS British. Been promising this one for years...

I might leave it at that, I daresay some of the 20+ 1/72 plastic kits might get tackled as well..

All the best for 2015!


  1. I uncovered a kit for a 7TP here which I may have to get to you to add to the unbuilt park then you will need to add some Poles into the mix :-P

    Happy New Year mate
