
Friday 2 August 2024

Another Butterfly

So Martin asked me some time back if I could print him some 40mm Napoleonic artillery. He's been building up forces using the Perry 40mm Peninsular range.

I have the STL files from Piano Wargames for French, and some from Napoleonic STL for Britsh...  no problem. 

I had always intended; someday, to do the French in numbers to face the Austrians.  Bit then I thought I would scale up a sample figure or two. I used 125% which seems to get a height and stature that fits well with the Perrys. 

This was what I got:

And of course..  I thought to myself. 'Those are flipping gorgeous, how hard could it be to print off enough to do a Sharp Practice force in 40mm?...  Next thing I'm sourcing pack mules and cantinieres (Wargames Atlantic Digital) putting bits together to make a Water Cart...  

Of course, I'm not going to be creating works of art, so I did a couple of practice figures with Contrasts and Vallejo... 
They still need touch ups, metallics etc.  But this is all completely doable. 

I have a load of 'Mexican' terrain for What a Cowboy, that is quite large, a large 28mm tree is a medium 40mm tree, and hey ho...  here we go.

Just in case anyone cares, 25mm washers, for when they stop making 1p & 2p coins, car primer white matt undercoat, Gilman Flesh, Leviadon Blue, Gore-Grunta for woodwork, Garghak Sewer for packs, Flesh Tearer red, and bits of Skeleton Horde (trousers) and Darkoath Flesh for gourds, Fireslayer Flesh for details etc. Black is Black Templar. 5 o'clock shadow and white shading with Apothecary White.

Right... so only 100 or so figures to do... and if anyone reading this knows Lucas from Piano Wargames, beg him to sculpt some 1809 British. There is an absolute dearth of good quality British Peninsula STL that could stand up-scaling to 40mm.

Time to get on with it..  oh yes, and this new Butterfly means of course the Ducks from Fenris Games are languishing 80% done...


  1. Nice results on both painting and printing fronts, Doug! Having a 3D printer would likely cause me much grief and pop me out of megalomania remission....

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I will confess it is a dreadful creator of butterflies. Much too easy to see something fun and funky, print off something, just to see how it turns out. Next thing you know, you have hundreds of unpainted pairs of resin eyes pleading.. 'paint me, paint me...'

  2. They look lovely print, the figures really look great painted up, a 3D printer would be a rabbit hole too far for me!

    1. I daren't watch 'Masters of the Air', 2 minutes later the printer would be whirring away with dozens of 1/200 B17.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, high praise indeed coming from you. Now I just have to avoid the risks of thinking, 'just another few figures/units...'

  4. Wow! It's figures like this that helped me move to the shiny toy soldier look! :) Great brushwork!

  5. Thanks Ross, been having a lot of fun with these. I'm nearly finished all the figures I need for the French. Just working on mounted and ancillaries now.
